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Topic 20 – Auxiliary and modal verbs: Forms and functions

Throughout this topic I am going to deal with auxiliary verbs. I will begin by having a look at the general features of auxiliaries and establishing a difference between primary and modal auxiliaries. Then I will analyse the three primary auxiliaries, DO, BE and HAVE. Finally, in my last section I will present the characteristics of modal verbs and will analyse each of the modals separately.

Two major verb classes, lexical and auxiliary verbs, are said to work together at sentence level. Lexical verbs constitute the principal part of the verb phrase (play, believe, go…) and may or may not be accompanied by auxiliaries (Ana Obregón comes tomorrow / Ana Obregón may visit me tomorrow). Auxiliary verbs are defined as those closed class verbal items which help ordinary verbs form a tense or an expression, for example, by combining with present or past participles or with infinitive. Auxiliary verbs can be classified into two categories:

We also find the so called marginal modals or semi-modals: DARE, NEED and USED TO. They are so called because they can be used both as auxiliaries and as lexical verbs (He needn’t be careful/ He needs to be careful).

Let’s see some of the features of auxiliary verbs, both primary and modal:

She cannot do it / She saw not it*

Full verbs are distinguished from auxiliaries by their inability to form negation in this way. They require the use of the auxiliary DO.

She will come / Will she come?

She plans to come / Plans she to come?*

The same as with NOT negation, main verbs require the use of DO to form interrogative clauses.

Inversion of subject and operator occurs not only in interrogatives, but also in sentences with introductory negatives or semi-negatives.

At no time is Ana left unguarded

Do is used as an empty operator where the clause has no other auxiliary.

There will be a great scandal about Camilla’s anniversary

There speak a lot about the scandal*

After this section dealing with the classification and main features of auxiliary verbs, I am going to move on to my second section, in which I will analyse the primary auxiliary verbs. The primary auxiliaries, when used as auxiliaries, require a participle or an infinitive in order to have full meaning. However, when used as ordinary verbs they are the only verb in the sentences.


Be is constructed as an auxiliary even when it functions as a main verb. For example, it normally has no do-construction, except with negative and persuasive imperatives.

Don’t be silly / Do be quiet

The auxiliary BE has two functions: aspect auxiliary and passive auxiliary. It is the only verb in English that has 8 different forms: be, being, been, am, is, are, was, were. Let’s see which its main meanings are:

Athina Onassis is going to buy a new island


Like BE, HAVE is both a main verb and an auxiliary. As a main verb, it means “possess”, and is sometimes constructed as an auxiliary, especially in BrE. AmE prefers the do-construction.

Karina hasn’t any money (BrE)

Karina doesn’t have any money (AmE)

The auxiliary HAVE combines with past participle to form perfective complex verb phrases. In this sense, it is with tenses that are formed with HAVE: present perfect and past perfect.


DO also can be both an auxiliary and a main verb. As an auxiliary, DO has two non-finite forms: present and past forms (DO / DID). All uses of DO as an auxiliary are termed as do-support or do-periphrasis. This applies to the use of DO as an empty or dummy operator in conditions where the construction requires an operator, but where there is no semantic reason for any other operator to be present. The main constructions are:

Negative imperative clauses introduced by DO NOT or DON’T may be placed in the same category.

Did Rociito stay late?

This category includes tag questions and other reduced questions where the dummy operator is not accompanied by the main verb. It also includes inversion after an initial negative.

I don’t like him, do you? Never did he help me

Up to this point I have looked at the general characteristics of the auxiliary verbs and have dealt with primary auxiliary verbs. Now I am going to move on to deal with modal verbs. Modals express an attitude to what we say. The modality function reflects the speaker’s judgement of the likelihood of a proposition to be true and it is divided into two types: modals expressing permission, obligation, volition, willingness, etc, which involve some kind of intrinsic human control over events; and modals meaning possibility, necessity and prediction, which involve human judgement of what it is or it is not likely to happen.

Apart from the characteristics of auxiliary verbs I mentioned in my first section, modal verbs have a set of distinguishing features:

· Modal verbs are followed by the base form of the verb or by the base form BE / HAVE + past participle.

Brad Pitt may adopt Angelina’s children

Jeniffer might have found a new boyfriend

· Modal verbs do not inflect, that is, they do not take an –s in the third person or –ing or –ed.

· Modal verbs do not take the auxiliary DO. The negative is formed by adding NOT. You can’t go in Pacha if you aren’t beautiful

· Modal verbs have no infinitive. Other expressions must be used instead.

(Can) Will you be able to help me?

(Must) I’m going to have to leave

(Must) I had to change the tyre

(Can) Were you able to find the disco?

After seeing what the main features of modal verbs are, I am going to move on to deal with each modal verb separately.

CAN expresses:

Kofi Annan can speak 17 languages

Kofi Annan is able to speak 17 languages

Can I smoke within the office?

COULD expresses:

MAY / MIGHT express:

May I continue delivering my speech?

You may not / mustn’t copy in the exam

David Beckham may go to London (perhaps a 50% chance).

Victoria of Spice Girls might spend a couple of weeks helping in Ethiopia (perhaps a 20% chance in the best of scenarios).

May the Liverpool lose all the matches!!

SHALL expresses:

You shall do as you wish

I shall go to Stratford-upon-Avon in order to continue with my Shakespearean


What shall we drink?

SHOULD expresses:

I should have phoned The National Trust this morning, but I forgot.

Blimey! I’ve lost my ID card. Should I go and see the police, do you think?

It’s odd that you should say that to me

I should learn Russian if I had the chance


Will expresses:

Will you please stop smoking?

He will do it, no matter what you say

· Specific prediction. The game will / must / should be finished by now

· Timeless prediction. Oil will float / float on water

· Habitual prediction. He’ll (always) talk for hours if you give him the chance

Would expresses:

He would smoke too much if I didn’t stop him

MUST expresses:

Candidates must deliver their speeches without any notes.

There are two negatives:

· Needn’t and don’t have to, whose meaning is “not be obliged to”

You needn’t come if you don’t want to

· Mustn’t, whose meaning is “be obliged not to”

You mustn’t use your dictionaries during the exam

· Logical necessity. Must” denotes near certainty, arrived at as the result of inference or reasoning.

It must have been love, but it’s over now

In sentences with interrogative or negative meaning, CAN’T is used instead of MUST It can’t have been love.

OUGHT TO expresses:

· Obligation. You are bleeding too much. You ought to go to the doctor.

· Logical necessity or expectation. They ought to be here by now

After analysing each of the modal auxiliaries, I am going to move on to the last section of this topic, in which I will have a look at marginal modal auxiliaries.

USED is always followed by a TO infinitive. In the negative, it takes a do-construction, in which case we find two possible spellings: didn’t use to and didn’t used to. Moreover, in the interrogative there are also two constructions: “used he to…?” (BrE), and “did he use to…?”, preferred both in AmE and BrE.

DARE and NEED can be constructed either as modal auxiliaries (with bare infinitive and with no inflected –s form) or as lexical verbs (with to-infinitive and with inflected –s form). The modal verb construction is restricted to non-assertive contexts, that is, mainly negative and interrogative sentences, whereas the lexical verb construction can always be used and is in fact the most common. DARE and NEED as auxiliaries are probably rarer in AmE than in BrE.

To sum up, throughout this topic I have talked about auxiliary verbs. I began by having a look at the general features of auxiliaries and establishing a difference between primary and modal auxiliaries. Then I have analysed the three primary auxiliaries, DO, BE and HAVE. Finally, in my last section I have presented the characteristics of modal verbs and have analysed each of the modals separately.

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