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Complete the following sentences with nouns formed from the words in brackets.

· Someone who rules a country is called a _________________ (govern).

· If you need help with your luggage, please call the ________________ (port).

· ______________________ killed the cat (curious).

· ____________________ speak louder than words (act).

· A _________________ doesn’t eat meat (vegetable).

· The latest news is about the ___________________ of a small child (disappear).

· _____________________ is one of the biggest problems of these days (pollute).

· UNICEF is a non- governmental ______________________ (organise).

· The party was a _____________________ (disastrous).


1) Use suitable modal verbs to complete the sentences.

2) Choose the correct answer.

· I ____________ ride a bike when I was 6. (could/ can/may).

· If you feel ill, you _____________ see a doctor. (must/can’t/ should).

· ____________ I borrow your paper, please? (might/ have to/ can)

· We _____________ go to the ball if we don’t want to. (mustn’t/ don’t have to/couldn’t)

· She has much experience as a waitress. She_____________ worked in a bar before. (could have/ must have/might be).

· Mary___________ speak French since she lives in France. (could/ can/should).

Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Tick the correct sentences.

  1. My mother is a nurse and she often should work weekends. She often has to work.
  2. You should to have a rest. You look exhausted.
  3. In the future everyone will must speak English and Chinese.
  4. Do you have to wear a suit and tie at work?
  5. I must stay in bed yesterday as I didn’t feel well.
  6. You don’t have to park here. It’s no a parking.
  7. I didn’t have to get a taxi. Sam took me to the airport.
  8. People mustn’t answer their mobiles when they are talking to someone.

Rewrite the sentences using the modal verbs.

1. It’s possible that I’ll arrive home late. (May)

I may arrive home late.

2. I’m sure that New York is an exciting city. (Must)

New York _________________________________

3. I don’t know if ill go to the concert (May)

I _________________________________________

4. I’m certain that studying and working at the same time isn’t easy. (Can’t)

Studying and working __________________________________________

5. Indian food has a strong taste, perhaps you won’t like it. (Might)

Indian food has a strong taste, you _________________________

6. I’m sure you’re not serious. (Can’t)

You __________________________

7. I’m sure people from some countries find our traditions strange. (Must)

People from some countries ____________________________________


Rearrange the following essay in the correct order.

Should governments spend money on art?

___ There are several reasons why governments should not finance artists. First of all, artists should have to follow the same rules as the rest of the market. If there is a demand for their music or sculpture, then they will be rich. Secondly, politicians generally do not have good taste. They will waste public money on popular art or on their own preferences. But the main reason why governments should minimize spending on the art world is that there are more important areas like housing, roads, hospitals, and factories which need the money first.    

___ All in all, governments should prioritize their spending carefully, but they should also allocate some of their budget for art. It is part of their duty to society and to future generations.

___ Many people’s lives are richer because of art – music, paintings, calligraphy, pictures, sculpture, poems and dance. However, some people feel that governments should be spending money on housing, medical care, or defence, instead of on art. This essay will discuss whether governments should or should not spend money on the arts.

___ However, it would be wrong to say that governments should not spend any money at all on art. Everybody needs some beauty in their life, but not everyone can afford a Picasso or a piece of music. Governments should provide money for museums or concert halls for everyone. Another point is that art allows people to express themselves and this is good for society, culture and thought. Thirdly, artists can be good for the economy by producing music, films, and attracting tourists.


  1. What is discussing this essay?
  2. What reasons gives the text against financing artist?
  3. Which are more important preferences to spend the goverment´s money?
  4. Why is good art for the economy?

What do you think about the topic? Write an opinion essay of 150 words. Remember to use connectors and to include arguments that support your idea.


Ask your partner questions to find out if he/she does or did the following things. If he/she answer “yes”, write his/her name in the first column, then make a question with the word in the second column and write the answer. Use the Useful language boxes to help you.





Watches TV every night


How long


Went to the seaside last holiday




Collects something




Get up early on Sundays




Keeps a diary


How often


Rides a motorbike




Was studying yesterday at 7 pm




Plays with a gameboy


What games


Played a sport last week end




Gave someone a present las month




Wore a school uniform


What colour

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