tema 11 inglés primaria Tag

For our students it is extremely important to know as much vocabulary (lexicon) as possible so as to be able to “survive” in contacts with English speaking people. That is why we consider this topic one of the most important ones, above all for the...

An ability to manipulate grammatical structure does not have any potential for expressing meaning unless words are used. We talk about the importance of “choosing your words carefully” in certain situation, but we are less concerned about choosing structures...

In this essay we will deal with how vocabulary can be classified into lexical and semantic fields, and we will also analyse the vocabulary needed to express some of the most common communicative functions as regards socializing, expressing information and attitude...

The first thing a child does in his/her Mother Tongue, once he/she has carried out the emission of sound stage, is to say words, isolated words but with meaning.They are connected with the world around him/her and are probably those with which the child has...

An ability to manipulate grammatical structure does not have any potential for expressing meaning unless words are used. We talk about the importance of “choosing your words carefully” in certain situation, but we are less concerned about choosing structures...

In this topic we will go into detail some aspects of semantics (study of meaning in language). The unit of semantics is the lexeme or lexical item. We will discuss how vocabulary is organized,...

Traditionally, the teaching of a foreign language has focused on the teaching and learning of grammar as well as of vocabulary. The first thing children do in their mother tongue, once they are able to, is to say words. These words will be isolated, they...

In this unit we will study how we can order vocabulary (lexical fields) and how vocabulary is organised (semantic features), then we will see some vocabulary needed to express some common communicative functions (socialization, information and attitude expression...